Embracing Summer’s Greatest Enemy-The Sun

The sun is a force to be reckoned with this summer—it’s 100 degrees here in Salt Lake and it’s only going to get hotter. 

Instead of revolting against the sun and its intolerable heat, try embracing it for what it’s worth. You could call in sick to work to go swim in the ice-cold temps of Bear Lake for a day or to go hike up breezy shaded mountains. 

Another idea: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Go to a sun party hosted by the Salt Lake Astronomical Society.

The ‘nuclear furnace’ at the center of our solar system is the guest of honor at the Salt Lake Astronomical Society’s first of their July solar events. Party number one is held at Winchester Park on 6400 S. 1100 W. Jordan River Parkway this Saturday, July 8 from 9 a.m. to noon. Club members will provide expertise and telescopes with special protective filters that allow for a safe and in-depth viewing experience.

Party two will be on July 19 at Salt Lake Community College in the Calvin L. Rampton Building at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.. The society will be showing a movie about the sun as well as offering eclipse-viewing safety glasses for $1 a pair. Remember, the eclipse is August 21.

For more information about the Salt Lake Astronomical Society, their July summer solar parties, or the sun in general, visit their website.

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