Snowbasin Resort’s Inaugural Festival Weekend

Snowbasin is holding nothing back for their first-ever weekend long festival.

In addition to the Blues, Brews & BBQ event held each Sunday in the summer, this Pioneer Day weekend, they have included fun-filled Friday and Saturday to the agenda.

What makes this festival unique is that is that each day includes music, food, fun and themes for free. To start the weekend off right, they will be celebrating in the spirit of the timeless classic “The Big Lebowski.” The day will include lawn bowling, a costume contest and trivia prizes. Grab a drink and watch a free showing of the movie at dusk, dude.

The weekend of fun continues with “Snowbasin Summer Beer Fest” in which local Utah breweries takeover the resort for the day and offer samples of their beers all day long. The costume contests with prizes and trivia will continue with a Game of Thrones theme. There will be free live music from the Young Dubliners, The Vandoliners and the Maw Band. Beer tokens for the fest will be sold for $2.50 a piece.

To close out the weekend, Snowbasin is having a special rendition of their Blues, Brews & BBQ event. They are pulling out the stops with music that will last ALL DAY LONG. That particular Sunday event will include a concert with ‘Fro Fest’ alongside music by Andy Frasco, Kris Lager Band, Groovement, Folk Hogan and Tony Holiday. Rumor has it, if you wear a ‘FRO’ and stand up, you could get a prize.

Grab your costumes and head up to Snowbasin July 21st to the 23rd to enjoy free music, food, fun and entertainment. For additional information, visit their website or call 801-620-1000.

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