How to Bring Your Vintage Ring to the 21st Century

Vintage is the new black. More and more people getting down on one knee are choosing to present a vintage engagement ring to their soon-to-be-spouses. Vintage rings offer a glimpse into history and an elegance that is rarely matched in modern styles.

That said, vintage engagement rings are excellent options, but combining the old with the new can make for a hybrid ring that will stay in the family for generations to come!
Interested? Here’s everything you need to know about vintage engagement rings and how you can bring yours into the 21st century.

What to Know About Vintage Engagement Rings

It’s challenging to come up with a definition of vintage, especially when it comes to jewelry. As time passes and old styles become even older, more and more styles are added to the “vintage” category. However, the consensus is that anything older than 20 years can be considered vintage.

This isn’t to be confused with the term “antique” which generally refers to anything made at least a century ago. Vintage engagement ring styles typically span multiple decades and are considered style eras. We’re currently in the modern era with the most popular vintage eras ending over 70 years ago! Here’s a breakdown of the most popular eras:

● Victorian Era 1837-1901: The Victorian Era coincided with Queen Victoria’s rule of
England. Gold and silver paired with diamonds, pearls, and other jewels ruled the era.
Snakes were incorporated into many designs.
● Edwardian Era 1901-1915: This era didn’t last very long, but it’s known for bringing
platinum to the public eye. Ornate rings decorated with diamonds and pearls were
● Art Nouveau 1890-1910: Intricate designs inspired by flowers and delicate lines
characterized this era. Art Nouveau Era rings generally feature free form designs with
little symmetry or limitations in materials.
● Art Deco Era 1920-1945: The Art Deco Era was inspired by a French architect, with
clean pieces, inspired by geometrical shapes, and symmetrical. Platinum bands and a
mix or jewels were common during this era.
● Retro Era 1939-1950: This era is characterized by bold designs with bigger and more
vibrant jewel tones. Yellow gold was used most commonly, but white gold and platinum
were also popular.

True Vintage vs. Lookalike Vintage Rings:

True vintage rings are generally harder to find and more costly than their lookalike counterparts. Vintage rings are also referred to as “heirloom” rings, as they are commonly passed down from generation to generation within families. As time passes, it becomes challenging to find true vintage rings, especially from older eras. That’s why many individuals choose lookalike rings modeled after the style of the era of their liking. It’s generally a cheaper option and easier to add a personal touch.

About Lab-grown Diamonds

One of the easiest ways to bring your vintage ring dreams to fruition is to utilize lab-grown diamonds. The combination of a vintage ring and a lab-grown diamond marries the beauty of the past with the future technologies. What’s more futuristic than a real diamond made in a lab?

Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds that are completely identical to their mined counterparts. They’re less expensive and more environmentally friendly than mined diamonds. In short, they make the perfect complement to an older engagement ring, by injecting some 21st-century technology and glam.

Final Thoughts

Vintage engagement rings are perfect for any occasion. Their timeless beauty transcends
fashion trends and makes for the perfect unique piece for any proposal. Though choosing a
vintage engagement ring can be challenging, it’s certainly worth the outcome! Take your time, do some research, and consider melding the old and new with a vintage engagement ring and a lab-grown diamond.

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