Everyone’s a critic: The public’s opinion on Park City’s public art.

written by: Tony Gill            photos by: Adam Finkle

We asked people on the street: What do you want to see more of reflected in Park City’s public art?

The city puts a lot of research, discussion, comparison and compromise into the public art decision making process, but what about the people who have to look at it (and pay for it)?

McKenzie Johnson

More Banksy, baby. I really enjoy that type of art. Obviously, I don’t want to see graffiti, but I like the random pop-up art. I get a little sick of the cliché moose and aspen-tree stuff.

Rory Murphy

Honestly, I love large bronzes. That’s what I’m partial to, and it’d be nice to see more of them in the parks, public buildings and on Main Street if they could manage to find some space for anything else.

Aaron Temple

I’d like to see more local artists. In areas like Portland, they’ll have a lot of local artists who will come and have a big unveiling, and they’ll put up plaques to accompany the installations. If we did that, it would give a little more character to Main Street and Park Avenue.

Logan Swney

We need more commissioned artwork that is specific to the culture and the place in which we’re living now that’s less literal. We’re seeing a lot of literal artwork at this time, and we’ve got a lot of local artists in this town who could be great.

Emily Loeffler

I’d like to see more large murals. Specifically, ones that depict the outdoor activities and sports that are such a big part of the community in Park City.

Checkout this podcast we did discussing The Goods and Bads of Public Art

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Tony Gill
Tony Gillhttps://www.saltlakemagazine.com/
Tony Gill is the outdoor and Park City editor for Salt Lake Magazine and previously toiled as editor-in-chief of Telemark Skier Magazine. Most of his time ignoring emails is spent aboard an under-geared single-speed on the trails above his home.

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