Local Voices: Caputos Calls for Action

As white business owners, in times like these it feels like our voice is not the most relevant. However, support for the Black Lives Matter movement from the food industry is deeply relevant. At Caputo‘s, we are sending that message loud and clear: We see you. We care. Keep fighting.

Photo credit: Jared Stranger

As part of our privilege, we have a voice. We have customers, we have followers. It is our responsibility to use our voice – on social media, as employers, as food industry professionals – to reach people and create the pressure needed for society to shift transformatively – not just incrementally. To our followers, our customers, our crew – we are asking people to do their part. Show up in your community; find and support your local black owned businesses. Sign petitions calling for change on the city, state, and congressional level. Donate to the causes that speak from a place of inter-generational trauma and who show us how to make change.

We implore all our friends in the food industry (and beyond), DO SOMETHING!

If you are unmoved to action at this time, know you will never be moved. If you have ever wondered what you would have done during slavery or the holocaust, you can stop wondering; you’re doing it now.

Photo credit: Jared Stranger

We’re lucky to be backed by an incredible crew, and are proud to stand by them. They’ve spent late nights packing cheese, meat, nuts, and other snacks for protesters, all while donating wages to the cause. They, with our match, have donated almost $3,000 to the Utah Black Chamber of Commerce, folks who are positioned to help black business owners in this state succeed. We’re thrilled to be a part of the SLCDrawing for Black Lives Matter, a city wide fundraiser to support organizations fighting systemic racism in Utah and nationally. We’re proud to be a part of the sticker campaign created by Cecille Cummings, fighting for justice for George Floyd and support for Black Lives Matter. We’ve generated  $1,182.77 for this campaign so far!

This is our chance to stand and do what is right. We won’t let the opportunity pass by. We won’t sit this one out.

We want to hear from you. At Salt Lake magazine we want to share our platform with local voices. Speak out. Send us your opinions and thoughts and and we may publish it to our website. Email our editor Mary at mary@saltlakemagazine.com

Kaitlyn Christy
Kaitlyn Christyhttps://www.saltlakemagazine.com/
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